30.08.2011 19:38
One day I've decided to learn C#. Pretty cool language I must say. Here are some application I've made in Visual Studio 2003 (by the way, they all require .NET framework to work):
Links catcher: chash_links.zip. When you copy a link, the application will catch it and convert into complete html <a> tag. So by coping: http://4as.com.pl ClipboardLinks.exe will return <a href="http://4as.com.pl">link</a>. You can later save the list to a text file. Read the "readme.txt".
File renamer: chash_rename.zip. Set a destination folder in the config file "config.cfg" and then run the application. Each file will be renamed to format specified in the Renamer.exe itself. Read the "readme.txt".
Episodes counter: chash_eps.zip. Quite frankly it is just a file counter but since I use it only for one purpose... . Application will read the destination folder and count all files of selected file-type.